Come Dressed for the Occasion!

Nothing better than to enjoy the atmosphere of the event by coming dressed in the clothes you might have worn if you had come to Montjuïc in the 1950’s, 60’s or 70’s.

Of course it is not essential to come dressed in the clothes of the era, but at a fun event like this one, it helps to have an even more fantastic time.

Experience shows that when we dress up and put on a costume, it puts us in the perfect mood to have the best time ever.  

And especially for the kids! Getting into costume is fun for them from the moment they start planning.

It doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Use your imagination and take out some of those old things you have in the back of the closet to create a style from the past. For girls and ladies, just a picture hat, a dress, a suit, or old time accessories will do. Boys and men – a suit or jacket, tie and cap or hat…And if you want to go further, you can try out a look in the rock, hippy, or pop style..